I am trying out a blogging “challenge” again! I feel like blogging can be an outlet for me, as well as a way to enter crafting challenges.. But to do that I need to actually blog!! I saw the info on this challenge mid afternoon today, so I did not have much time to think about what topic to choose for the month. After a bit of thought, I decided to take the easy way out and choose the “Too Awesome to Categorize” category. This may be detrimental as it does not give me any framework or structure to help me flesh out posts for this month. But I figure why not live dangerously?!
As it is already past 10 pm, and I have to get up early for work tomorrow, I am going to try to find a fun photo to add to this post (I hate posts without photos!) and then head to bed. I need to use my commute in the am to meditate on some pithy subject matter!!
Here is a photo of my daughter, we took her out tubing on the Susquehanna a few weeks ago. It is the first time I have every seen anyone tube up close, and it made me nervous.
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