
I am going to give this Whole30 a try! I am nervous about the food prep, as I have problems getting meals on the table on workdays, and I generally do NOT bring lunch. I could probably manage lunch from the salad bar at work, but I’d like to make some things to take, as well as I am definitely going to need to make breakfasts. I also need to have veggies ready to take for work for snacking on the way home. I know the plan tries to get you not to snack, but I also know that the ride home at 6:30 pm can be very hard for me, and I’d rather snack on veggies and a few nuts, rather than fall off the whole plan then.

I am off work tomorrow, so I am going to do a bit more planning and research, and try to do shopping Friday when it will hopefully not be as crowded. I am going to start Monday, the start of the week, and also April 1st!!

I have a few things that I am hoping to gain from this:

1. Less joint pain
2. Decrease or get rid of carpel tunnel symptoms
3. Get rid of cravings for soda.
4. Adjust my appetite so that I can get going down a weight loss path.

I don’t really anticipate finding out that I have any food allergies, or even sensitivities, but who knows?!? I also do not have any pans to go hard core Paleo after this, but who knows, maybe I will love it!

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1 Response to Whole30

  1. Christina says:

    What is it exactly?? It was hard to eek out on their website. It sounds like just whole foods rather than processed? Good luck! When I went vegan the first few weeks were the hardest, and then it got easier, so hopefully you will make it through and hold on to some of the habits. 🙂

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