250 words about me

This is my first post for “Blog every Day in May”. I am excited to try this, although I know I will be playing catch up at some points, I am determined to address every topic!

First off, I have no clue how many words this will be, as I am using the WordPress app on my iPad. Secondly, I won’t have any cute photo, as I could not figure out how to include one from the iPad.

I was born on May 25, 1964. I am the oldest child. My parents had another girl 3 years after me, and then adopted a boy 3 years later. I was born in Baltimore, and we moved to Westminster when I was about a year old. We moved back to the city when before I started 2nd grade. I grew up in a neighborhood I loved, running around with my friends, playing barbies and dress up. We treated the entire street and alleys surrounding as our playground. We rode our bikes and roller skated, played on swing sets and ate dinner at each others homes. We had foster children who lived with our family for various amounts of time, as well as some foreign exchange students. Everyone in our home was treated the same. This is where I formed my ideas of family. It does not have to do with blood, family is who you love. I have been lucky to have plenty of family in my life.

My parents divorced when I was 13, my mom went back to work, and I became responsible for a lot more in our home. After a few years my mom met the man she would marry. He had a son who lived with him, so when my my mom married, he came to live with us. He is the same age as my other brother. My parents adopted another girl after they had been married for a while. So now there are 5 of us. We always had pets growing up, so I love animals too!

I guess that is enough for a start! I’m hoping I can keep up with this, and I’m looking forward to finding some other blogs to follow.

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1 Response to 250 words about me

  1. Christina says:

    Great job Lee!!! It totally makes sense now why you didn’t think twice about offering your now daughter a place to stay when she needed it. It sounds like you have an amazing family and definitely a unique childhood! And yay on getting it done before midnight. I know you are super busy with that work thing ;), so doing this at all is awesome!

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